Free app - Evidence -Based Diagnostic Test Methods of Physiotherapy
Physiotherappy is a mobile learning tool for students, students and therapeutic and medical staff. The full version of the app offers you 39 selected evidence -based diagnostic test procedures in text, image and sound.
The free version with 8 high quality videos show you how the test procedures are carried out and evaluated.
The starting point, implementation, evaluation and diagnostic technology will also be explained to you in text form.
Properties of the free app:
● 8 evidence -based diagnostic test procedures
● Settled videos in high quality, accompanied and checked by scientists from the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, Health & Social Affairs and Ludwig Fresenius Department
● Test descriptions with the starting situation, implementation, evaluation, diagnostic technology
● Contained tests in the free app:
o Apprehension test
o Jerk test
o ac resisted extension test
o Neck Flexor Muscle Endurance test
o Prone instability test
o Prone torsion instability test
o Alar Ligament Stability Test
o Slump test according to Butler
● Contained tests in the full version:
○ Medial subtalar glide test
○ Pivot Shift test
○ Empty Can/Full Can Test
○ Hip scour test
○ Cozen's test
○ Phalen's test
○ People's test
○ Anterior drawer test
○ Fibular translation test
○ Waldron test
○ Patrick sign
○ Upper test
○ Apprehension test
○ Jerk test
○ Elbow flexion test
○ Varus/Valgus stress test
○ Finkelstein's test
○ AC resisted extension test
○ Introduction SIG Provocation Tests
○ Thigh thrust test
○ Distraction/Gapping Test
○ Compression test
○ Gaenslen's test
○ Sacral thrust test
○ Prone instability test
○ Prone torsion instability test
○ Prone knee bend test with differentiation
○ Straight leg Raise test with differentiation
○ Slump test according to Butler
○ Spurling's compression test
○ Alar Ligament Stability Test
○ Neck Flexor Muscle Endurance test
○ Upper limb neurodynamic test 1
○ Upper limb neurodynamic test 2a
○ Upper limb neurodynamic test 2b
○ Upper limb neurodynamic test 3
○ Introduction Thoracic Outlet compression syndrome; Wright test
○ Adson test
○ Test into Eden
Your ideal companion for preparing for exams in training, study and work!
If you treat patients with muscle skeleton disorders, the app is made for you.
Target group in the health sector
● Students, trainees, students
● Physiotherapist
● Chiropractor
● Doctors and clinic staff
● Interested people in manual therapy
Note: Please make sure that you have at least ~ 100 MB free space to install the free app including the videos. Content, videos and sound in the app are written in German.
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